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Writer's picture Lari Baty-Cannon, MA, MS Ed.

How Has Covid Impacted Your Fertility Journey?

Updated: Mar 4, 2021

The 2020 pandemic has left no segment of society untouched. There are many hidden populations uniquely impacted by the regulatory changes needed to fight Covid-19. Women pursuing fertility treatments have had their plans greatly disrupted, and in some cases halted for an indefinite amount of time. Infertility is already a path of uncertainty leaving couples with a sense of having no control over their circumstances. How much more for those navigating fertility treatments in a global pandemic. The psychological impact of treatments being canceled or delayed can feel overwhelming and magnify the negative emotions of an already difficult process.

In a recent study by Jennifer Gordon and Ashley Balsom of University of Regina, Canada, published on 18 September 2020 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE, several protective factors were identified to help foster positive mental health during this difficult time. The authors added: "This study highlights how enormously challenging the COVID-19 pandemic has been for women whose fertility treatments have been suspended. At the same time, it points to certain factors that may help women cope during this difficult time, such as having good social support."

Social support is key when facing crisis of any kind. With one in six reproductive-aged couples experiencing infertility, you are not alone. Protect your mental health by reaching out for support. Find a safe place to share your story. We’re all in this together!

Let us know how Covid-19 has impacted your fertility treatments. Did your country deem Assisted Reproductive Therapy (ART) as a non-essential medical treatment? Were you allowed to continue with limited services? How has the pandemic changed your plans to achieve pregnancy? Uplift can help you with this.

Integrative Therapist, Lari Baty-Cannon, MA, MS Ed, is a mental health counsellor working in mental health/psycho-educational training in Mind-Body techniques that address mental and physical health. She will be conducting a 10-week Mind/Body Program for Infertility beginning March 2021.

Conceived by Dr. Alice Domar, Ph.D. while an Associate Professor of Obstetrics, Gynaecology, and Reproductive Biology at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Domar has earned international recognition for her research and its application in women's health. Uplift's therapist, Lari Baty-Cannon was personally trained by Dr. Domar.

The program teaches skills beneficial in increasing your sense of control, decrease both physical and psychological symptoms of stress (such as insomnia, headaches, irritability, fatigue, abdominal pain, headaches, etc.), and help decrease emotional lows of infertility. The skills include relaxation techniques, self-nurturance, effective communication, coping with negative emotions and information on lifestyle habits which can impact fertility.

Click here to view the program.


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