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Writer's picture Lari Baty-Cannon, MA, MS Ed.

What is Mind-Body Therapy or Integrative Psychotherapy?

Welcome to Uplift!

Thanks for visiting us here. Our team is excited to introduce ourselves and our vision.

Why Uplift?

We, like so many others, have experienced the diffculties and stress of the global pandemic. Members of our team have been separated from families, suffered financial losses, missed key family events, fallen ill, managed our children’s education during the pandemic, quarreled with our spouses after being in the same confined space month after month, and the list goes on! Yet through it all, we’ve been able to identify a common strength that has held us steady (for the most part ☺). Each of us have years of developing tools and practices that prepared us for such a time as this. We’re so grateful to have space to share our journey with you.

Our team explores the space where mind and body intersect and how we can use our mind, our thinking, to bring health and healing. We also provide expertise in mental health, diet and lifestyle concerns that have been immensely magnified in this stressful time. We are all trained in Mind/Body Techniques that address the whole person considering their individuality and environment.

What is Mind-Body Therapy or Integrative Psychotherapy?

Integrative psychotherapy, or Mind/Body Therapy, is an approach to wellbeing and healing by increasing resilience and personal resources. It incorporates traditional psychotherapy and holistic health interventions to promote emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual healing. Mind/Body work creates health and balance in the mind and body to enable participants to manage stress and create a healthy lifestyle. When you participate in Mind/Body Therapy as an individual or in a group, you will learn tools such as cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation, guided imagery, breath work, mindfulness and more.

Constantly feeling overwhelmed, angry, lost, and hopeless are thought patterns that contribute to illness, stuck relationships, underperformance, and loss of self-esteem. Mind/Body techniques can help an individual break free from self-defeating thoughts and patterns and create a healthier state of mind and healthier body.

Who can benefit from Uplift programs?

Initially we are starting with two programs: Mind/Body for Infertility and Mind/Body for those dealing with the difficulty of a cancer diagnosis. Stay tuned for future programs, support groups and talks.

Entering into a Mind-Body program is a life changing experience. It’s a first step in choosing a path of self-exploration and healing. Our programs can help identify the root causes of your concerns, identify factors that perpetuate problems, and help you become aware of fears and hurts that limit your psychological freedom. When we understand what triggers our emotional and physical pain and anxiousness, the awareness can break old patterns. With the help of a therapist or program leader, and fellow group participants, you can learn and practice new healthy behaviors, deepen your connection to yourself and others, and experience health in its fullness.

We welcome you to join!

We have great things to come! Do stay tuned for future group sessions, talks, and courses.

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